Thank’s to 2023

I am excited to be a year 7 next year. I am looking to improve my Writing, Reading, Maths, Winning trophy and use every Adjective  and Algebra.

I enjoy Otahuhu Primary because I get to meet new friends and to learn new stuff about Maths, Reading, Writing, and playing sports. But before I go to Otahuhu Intermediate I wanna say thank you to all my teachers even the teachers who taught me how to use tools. and I will miss my friends who looked after me for two years.


All about Gordon

Malo lelei my name is Gordon. I am a year 6 student. I go to Otahuhu primary school my teacher is Mrs Dollie In room 8. 

I’m good at spelling my goal is to improve my Writing and maths.  I want to practice big words that will help me with my spelling.  My goal for this year is to get awards.  I want to always look smart and clean. I will practice my timetables, fractions and equations.

I’m happy my teacher inspires me and my class room to learn.



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